Info & Frequently Asked Questions
How can I buy tickets?
Easy.. Click HERE. You can pay by card or by PayPal and choose to print off your tickets or use e-tickets on your mobile device. If you don’t seem to have received an order confirmation, please remember to check your Junk or Spam email folder. If you still can’t find your order confirmation please drop us a line on info@banter.band
Can I just buy a camping ticket and come along for the sessions?
Due to limited maximum capacities, we can only allow camping with a valid weekend event ticket. We reserve the right to remove anyone found on site without a valid ticket.
Can I steward at the event?
We already have a list of regular stewards, however if you would like to apply to be a steward please get in touch. We expect 10 hours of work over the weekend and in return you will receive a free ticket and free camping. Duties will include car park supervision, checking wristbands, litter picking etc.
Do you provide any concessions for students?
No, but students make very good stewards!
Are there are any rules regarding bottles / cans of alcohol at BanterFest?
There is a ‘no glass policy’ on site as it is the village sports field and we don’t want people getting hurt after we’ve all gone home. Please don’t bring glass bottles onto the event site. There will be a pub-priced bar on site with a large range of real ales, wines, ciders, lagers and soft drinks.
Are BBQs allowed?
On the advice of the Fire Service, we can not allow charcoal BBQs or open fires on the campsite. Gas camping stoves and gas BBQs that are kept up off the ground are fine.
Can I bring my dog?
Dogs will not be permitted in the main venue, but you are very welcome to bring them with you onto the campsite. You will be required to ensure your dog is kept under control and always clean up any doo-doos.
Is there seating? I am a pensioner and I can’t stand for long.
There will be sufficient seating in the concert venue for all ticket holders.
Is there any disabled parking on site?
The site has adequate parking for all ticket holders. Please note that the festival area is reasonably flat.
What time can I arrive?
The campsite will open at 12 on the Friday.
What time do concert performances at BanterFest start and finish?
The festival opens at 12pm on the Friday for the campsite only. The main venue opens to the public at 4pm and the music starts at 7:30pm. The festival closes at 5pm on the Sunday. There are a number of concerts taking place over the weekend. Approximate start & finish times for the main performances will be released on the day.
Can I bring my own food?
Yes, absolutely. There will also be food available on site. There is a village store 2 minutes walk from the festival site as well as other food options close-by.
Can I take photographs during the performances?
Flash photography is not allowed, except by staff and press. Permitted photography must be taken in such a way as to avoid any disruption or distraction for patrons or performers.
How far is the site from Lincoln and what are my travel options?
It is approximately 12 miles south of Lincoln and a similar distance north of Grantham on the A607. Sleaford is about 10 miles west and Newark is around 14 miles to the east on the A17. Both Grantham and Newark link you to the A1. For public transport, the A607 has a regular Number 1 bus service running up and down it and for trains, the main East Coast (London-Edinburgh/Leeds/York) railway line stops in Grantham and Newark and Lincoln has a recently revamped travel hub with a railway station and bus station next to each other.
What time should we arrive?
Any time after 12 noon on Friday to set up camp. The main venue opens at 4pm. Concerts will start will start at 7:30pm.
Is there parking alongside camping pitches?
Yes, you will be able to park next to your camping pitch. In the event of bad weather, other arrangements may need to be implemented.
How about an awning?
Yes, no problem..
When do we need to leave the camping site by?
The music will stop at around 5pm on Sunday and we would like all campers and caravans to have left the site by 8pm Sunday.
Will the line up change?
It is very rare that this occurs, but should there be any changes to the line up on stage or activity wise, everyone will be informed.
Will there be first aid provision on site?
Yes, you can find the first aid team on the main event field. As with most village halls, there is a defibrillator, but in the event of an emergency, please call 999.
How do i find the site?
The Venue address is Welbourn Village Hall, Beck Street, Welbourn, Lincoln, LN5 0LZ. The village is on the A607 (about 20 minutes drive from the A1) between Lincoln and Grantham and has a bus route that stops 50 metres away (the Number 1).
If you use What3words then the location is ///rummage.gentlemen.flippers
Ticket Changes
Sometimes plans change outside of your control….
If you are unable to attend and will not be using your tickets then we’d like to be able to help reallocate them if possible. We will be operating a waiting list system after all tickets are sold and will happily buy unwanted tickets back from you at full face value (a full refund back to the card or Paypal account that you used to make the purchase) provided you let us know before the 1st August 2024. After that date we will try to rehome your tickets for you (and give you a refund) but it will get harder the closer we get to the festival as folks on the waiting list will most likely have made alternative plans so refunds after 1st August will be discretionary and dependant on us finding a replacement purchaser.
Still not found an answer to your question? Drop us an email to info@banter.band